Sexual Harassment at Lund University


Summer of 2020 I’ve been part-time employed by the Tellus Project’s research team at Lund Univeristy (LU). My task is to analyze and extract information from their enormous survey, mainly from the 9000+ verbatim responses.

Tellus is a multi-year research-based project aimed at strengthening the preventive work against sexual harassment at LU. These efforts are informed by comprehensive up-to-date knowledge concerning actual needs of students and employees at LU… which is where my work with assessing survey responses comes in! The results will be used to help base future measures against sexual harassment and safe welcoming environment for those at LU.

This project is a cool opportunity for me as a statistician, I’ve never worked with qualitative data before, and so have been learning a lot.

I’ll use this page to link to my blogposts relating to things I’ve learned when working on this project. Obviously, I can’t share any results, or data, (although, I’m sure those will later be officially available at LU) but I’ll catalogue all the dumb lessons I’ve learned along the way.

Blog-post links: