Hi, I was bored.

My name is Justinas. Welcome to my page.

Who am I?


My name is Justinas Smertinas, and this is my page.

As the title suggests, I used to be bored. But now I’m not!

I fill my life with fun projects and activities. My aim is to use this page to catalog my anti-boredom activities, plus practice my writing skills.

I don’t take myself overly seriously. I’m just a happy bean. Glad you are here. :-)

  • Making stuff and helping people sparks joy. Preferably I get to do both.
  • I have a Master’s Degree in Mathematical Statistics from Lund University.
  • Currently a PhD student at Technical University of Denmark - Applied Statistics.
  • I’m a big fan of outdoor bouldering and photography. It helps me deal with mental health. Talk to me about it.
  • Recently I’ve discovered a deep love for well documented code and well written science papers.


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Dec 9, 2023

My Top 10 Photos of 2023

If you’ve been following my social media this year, you’ve witnessed my journey into the world of photography, and what a ride it has been. Hopefully, you have also seen my skill develop, hehe… The catalyst for this newfound passion was an unexpected gift from my grandmother. After my birthday this spring, she approached me, saying, ‘Justin, I might die unexpectedly at some point soon, so here is some money. Buy yourself something that you would remember me by. Read more
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If you would like to get in touch with me, feel free to use the information below. Just please don’t text me too early. I like to sleep in. :^)

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